Purchasing historic property through sales conducted by the Floyd County Sheriff's Department:
The homes listed on this page are sold AS IS. “AS IS” means that the seller offers no guarantees on the property. For example, if the buyer discovers damages to the property after closing the sale, the damages are the responsibility of the buyer.
An announcement of properties that qualify for foreclosure sales are published in the legal section of the New Albany Tribune three times within thirty days before the sale date.
As of 3/1/18, anyone bidding on a property must bring a letter of approval stating how much they can bid up to. The buyer is required to pay in certified funds the full amount of the purchase price to the Floyd County Sheriff's Department by 3:30 PM on the day of the sale.
Procedure for bidding:
The institution holding the mortgage places the first bid. The bid amount covers the mortgage amount owed to the mortgage holder.
If you are not competing with any other bidder, you must bid at least $1 more than the bid of the mortgage holder.
If more than one third party bidder are competing for the property, the winning bid is at least $1 more than the bid of the mortgage holder AND higher than the competing bids.
If the property is not sold at auction on the published sale date, a potential buyer may contact the mortgage holder after the published sale date and negotiate the purchase price.
For more information about purchasing a property through a sheriff's sale, contact Sheriff's Matron Dezarae Crowe at 812/948-4742 or dcrowe@fcsdin.net.
Please note: Although we strive to be as accurate and thorough as possible, the information contained within the real estate descriptions is not guaranteed. |
William and Doris Braden House 2211 Charlestown Road New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1948. Tudor Revival. William and Doris Braden House. This stately brick house was owned by the Braden family for more than four decades. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 13 March 2025 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the City-County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22-DO3-2407-MF-001209.
Louisa C. Kelley House 809 West 7th Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1910. Gabled ell. Louisa C. Kelley House. Conveniently located to Scribner Middle School, this house was built for the widow of Civil War veteran Frank Kelley. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 13 March 2025 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22CO1-2208-MF-000944.