Purchasing historic property through sales conducted by the Floyd County Sheriff's Department:
The homes listed on this page are sold AS IS. “AS IS” means that the seller offers no guarantees on the property. For example, if the buyer discovers damages to the property after closing the sale, the damages are the responsibility of the buyer.
An announcement of properties that qualify for foreclosure sales are published in the legal section of the New Albany Tribune three times within thirty days before the sale date.
As of 3/1/18, anyone bidding on a property must bring a letter of approval stating how much they can bid up to. The buyer is required to pay in certified funds the full amount of the purchase price to the Floyd County Sheriff's Department by 3:30 PM on the day of the sale.
Procedure for bidding:
The institution holding the mortgage places the first bid. The bid amount covers the mortgage amount owed to the mortgage holder.
If you are not competing with any other bidder, you must bid at least $1 more than the bid of the mortgage holder.
If more than one third party bidder are competing for the property, the winning bid is at least $1 more than the bid of the mortgage holder AND higher than the competing bids.
If the property is not sold at auction on the published sale date, a potential buyer may contact the mortgage holder after the published sale date and negotiate the purchase price.
For more information about purchasing a property through a sheriff's sale, contact Sheriff's Matron Dezarae Crowe at 812/948-4742 or dcrowe@fcsdin.net.
Please note: Although we strive to be as accurate and thorough as possible, the information contained within the real estate descriptions is not guaranteed. |
William H. & Mabel Ella Whitlock House 1442 Vincennes Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1908. Shotgun. William and Mabel Ella Whitlock House. This frame home is a survivor, having withstood the devastating 1917 tornado that destroyed much of this part of New Albany. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 29 July 2021 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the City-County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22CO1-2009-MF-001086.
William & Louise Padgett, Jr. House 344 Thomas Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1891. Shotgun. William & Louise Padgett, Jr. House. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 17 June 2021 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the City-County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22DO1-2012-MF-001449.
Beck-Shipman-Egnew House 327 East 14th Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1872. Shotgun. Beck-Shipman-Egnew House. This shotgun house is located within the East Spring Street Historic District, which is a locally-designated historic district, as well as being listed in the National Register. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 21 October 2021 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the City-County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22DO3-1912-MF-001961.
August and Elizabeth Ruter House 1824 Ekin Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1892. Queen Anne cottage. August and Elizabeth Ruter House. This charming home is an example of a design by noted Knoxville pattern-book architect George F. Barber. Despite modern updates and alterations – including the addition of vinyl siding – it retains much of the feel of Barber’s original design.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 18 November 2021 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the City-County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-1911-MF-001710.
Cassell-Hoover-Faulkner House 1206 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1880. Gable-front. Cassell-Hoover-Faulkner House. Located in the East Spring Street Historic District, this home may date prior to 1870. It has been home to many families through the years, beginning to that of Bryon Cassell, a railroad clerk. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 18 April 2019 at 10:00 AM on the third floor of the City-County Building (311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22CO1-1811-MF-001737 |
Henry Eckert House 1607 Shelby Place New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
A great starter home, with room to grow! This cozy bungalow on desirable Shelby Place includes a large attic that could be adapted as a fantastic master suite. The quiet neighborhood of well-kept homes, located across from New Albany High School, is listed in the National Register of Historic Places. This house was built in 1913 for Henry Eckert, a clerk.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday 8 February 2018 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22DO1-1707-MF-000976. |
Emery-Weidman House 1501 Shelby Place New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1912. Queen Anne cottage. Emery-Weideman House. This home was constructed during the height of the building boom on Shelby Place, a charming neighborhood developed between 1905 and 1920. The original owner was carpenter John E. Emery. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 28 May 2015 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22DO1-1407-MF-1133. |
Strunk-Stoy-Brengle House 1310 Ridgeway Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Have it all – architectural character, a desirable location and a fascinating history! This beautifully-detailed Queen Anne home retains many original features, is located in one of New Albany’s oldest and most prestigious suburbs, and has a unique connection to a notorious episode in the City’s past. The development of Silver Hills, located overlooking the city, was facilitated when the New Albany Highland Railroad Company began providing streetcar service to Silver Hills in 1890. The Tuley family, who had owned the land for many years, sold off different parcels to developers, who in turn platted it and sold lots. The Silver Hills Land Company platted the tract of land that included Ridgeway Avenue in 1891. Five houses were initially built on the avenue, this home being one of them. The neighborhood has been identified as being potentially eligible for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 24 November 2009 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0902-MF-316. NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Baylor-Neely House 308 East Ninth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1907. Queen Anne. The Baylor-Neely House. This house, along with its neighbor at 306 East Ninth Street, was constructed for John M. and Fannie T. Baylor for investment purposes. John was a prominent citizen of New Albany and had been treasurer of Floyd County for four years. He was on the Board of Directors for the New Albany Trust Company and a large stockholder in that institution. Mr. Baylor was also an extensive land owner.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 30 July 2009 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0806-MF-410. |
Charles Gerald Nolan House 2405 Shelby Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1910. Pyramid bungalow. Charles Gerald Nolan House. This is a portion of the original Plat 330, known as “Jacob Korb,” and dated July 1885. Plat 485 was recorded in June of 1910 from part of Plat 330. This area is part of the original Town of Silver Grove. The Town of Silver Grove was incorporated in 1886. The Grove had its own town hall with an elected council, and even had its own fire and police departments. New Albany annexed Silver Grove in 1915. The original address for this house is 406 Shelby Avenue before 1917. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 18 November 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0806-MF-413. |
James M. Seabrook House 1318 East Market Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1882. Gabled-front. James M. Seabrook House. This new house was purchased by William and Izella Sanderson in July 1882. That year’s New Albany City Directory lists Mr. Sanderson’s occupation as being a clerk. Eight years later, in February 1890, James Seabrook and his wife Lillie purchased the home for $2750. Mr. Seabrook was the grandson of Daniel Seabrook, a New Albany pioneer who came to New Albany in 1813, shortly after the Scribner brothers founded the town.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 11 November 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0708-MF-526. |
John Robert Alexander House 1743 Shelby Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1885. Gabled-ell. The John Robert Alexander House. John Alexander and his wife Annie purchased this lot in April 1884 for $325. The house was constructed by the time the 1886 New Albany City Directory was published and lists Mr. Alexander’s occupation as a laborer at the New Albany Woolen Mill.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 11 November 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0804-MF-226. |
Briggs-Ridley-Chase House 2211 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c. 1915. California Bungalow. The Briggs-Ridley-Chase House. Edward P. Briggs purchased this lot in August 1913 for $535 from developer Thomas M. McCulloch; however, the house was not built until about 1915. Mr. Briggs was a repairman for the United Gas & Electric Company.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 21 October 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22D01-0712-MF-537. |
Evans-Pamplin House 1720 East Oak Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1883. Gabled-ell/Italianate. The Evans-Pamplin House. John S. Evans purchased this new house from John Lowry in November 1883 for $1150. Mr. Evans was a dealer in organs and White Sewing Machines, with a business that was located on the southeast corner of State and Main Streets in downtown New Albany.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 21 October 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0803-MF-203. |
Waterhouse-Fix-Knable House 2122 Ekin Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c. 1886. Gabled Ell. Waterhouse-Fix-Knable House. This house is located in the Silver Grove neighborhood in the east end of New Albany, which has had an active neighborhood association since 2001 (www.Silvergrove.org). This area is part of the original town of Silver Grove, which was incorporated in 1886 and had its own town hall with an elected council. It even had its own fire and police departments. Silver Grove was annexed by New Albany in November of 1914. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 18 September 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22D01-0802-MF-79. |
Endris-Knable House 615 East Elm Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Located adjacent to the East Spring Street Historic District, the Endris-Knable House offers many recent updates, but maintains its historic character. The home was built c.1890 in a vernacular style with Italianate influences. It was constructed on the site of the former Peter Fetter Chair factory. The early history of this property is very limited and by the turn of the century it had become rental property with many different tenants. The first long-term property owner in the 20th Century was John F. Endris, whose first listing at this address in the New Albany City Directory was in 1949. The home remained in the Endris family until October 1976. Nancy Knable purchased the house in October of 1979 and continued ownership of the property through January 1994. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 18 September 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0803-MF-208. |
Teives-Lori House 1122 Beeler Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c. 1895. Gabled ell. The Teives-Lori House. Built around 1895, the early owners and occupants of this structure are unknown and it appears the property might have even been in foreclosure for a time. But by 1903, Mrs. Flora V. Yates was making her home here along with her dress shop. Mrs. Yates apparently rented the property before purchasing it in August 1911.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 12 February 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0708-MF-595. |
William E. Rogers House 2206 Reno Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c. 1924. Dormer-front Bungalow. The William E. Rogers House. About 1924, William and Pearl A. Rogers purchased this new house in an area of New Albany that had been platted in June 1916 by the McCulloch Land and Improvement Company. Reno Avenue derives its name from the notorious Reno Brothers, who committed the first train robbery in America just east of Seymour, Indiana. Sometime later, the brothers were apprehended and brought to the Floyd County Jail in New Albany for safe keeping. While prisoners in the local jail, a group of vigilantes from Seymour, the brothers’ hometown, broke into the jail and hung the entire gang. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 9 January 2008 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0708-MF-526. NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Fannie Blake House 2225 Willard Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built ca 1932. California bungalow/shotgun. Fannie Blake House. This area of New Albany was once a separate town, which incorporated in 1886 and was known as Silver Grove. The boundaries were roughly Silver Street to the west, Charlestown Road to the north, Beharrell Avenue to the east and Spring Street to the south. The town had its own town hall with town council along with is own police and fire departments. Silver Grove became part of New Albany in 1915. This house was originally built for investment purposes and saw numerous tenants up until WWII. In the early 1940s Mrs. Fannie Blake, widow of Charles, located here and remained until her death in August 1961 at age 81. Fannie was an employee in the cafeteria at New Albany High School.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 18 October 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0705-MF-307 |
Johnson-Mottweiler House 1747 Shelby Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1898. Shotgun. The Johnson-Mottweiler House. The first resident of this house appears to be Thomas H. Johnson. He was an assistant custodian at the U.S. Government & Post Office Building located at the southwest corner of Pearl and Spring Streets in Downtown New Albany. After almost seven years of residency by the Johnson family, the house then saw numerous occupants until George E. Mottweiler moved his family into the home by 1916. Mr. Mottweiler’s occupation was listed in the New Albany City Directory as a trackman.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 20 September 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0703-MF-00162 |
Schmitt-Tyler House 346 East 15th Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built ca.1900. Shotgun. The Schmitt-Tyler House. This lot was purchased in October 1867 by George Trinler from Robert H. Barr, who had originally platted this property in 1851. Mr. Trinler sold the property to his son, George Jr., in October of 1898 and the house was constructed soon thereafter. The property was used for investment purposes for almost 50 years by Mr. Trinler and later by Harry Trinkle, with numerous occupants living here over that period of time.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 20 September 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0612-MF-780 |
Eckerty-Scott House 611 Beharrell Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Torrence Eckerty purchased the lot from developer Charles H. Beck in March 1925 and this California bungalow was built a short time later. This side of Beharrell Avenue and the north side of Terrace Court were “built up” and then the terraced lawns were created. One of the restrictions that Mr. Beck attached to this plat was that the houses had to cost at least $5,500.00 when constructed. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Friday, 24 August 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number:22C01-0703-MF-181 |
Stafford-Epperson House 1322 East Oak Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built ca 1875. Shotgun. The Stafford-Epperson House. This shotgun house, along with its neighbor at 1324 East Oak Street, were probably built about 1875 for Joseph Stirr. The Stirr family lived at 1324 and likely rented out 1322. The Stirrs sold 1322 East Oak in March 1910 to Edmund K. Scott for $1,400. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 5 July 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0501-MF-55 |
Robertson-Dienes House 518 East Fourth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1874. Gabled-ell. The Robertson-Dienes House. Reuben Robertson purchased this lot from Samuel H. Owens on May 7th of 1873 for $750.00, and had this house built. Mr. Robertson was a township trustee and had his office in the courthouse in downtown New Albany.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 5 July 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22D01-0607-MF-00256 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Philip Goodyear House 602 Maple Lane New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1930. Bungalow. The Philip Goodyear House. One of the earliest and most prestigious suburbs of New Albany was - and still is - the National Register eligible Silver Hills. When the New Albany Highland Railroad Co. began providing streetcar service to Silver Hills in 1890, it greatly increased the “hill’s” popularity. The Tuley family owned the land for many years. They eventually sold off different parcels to developers who in turn platted it and sold the lots.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0612-MF-812 |
Hugh Gordon House 1503 Shelby Place New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1916. Bungalow. The Hugh Gordon House. Shelby Place is currently being nominated for listing in the National Register of Historic Places. This two-block long avenue, with its beautiful esplanade, was platted in 1906. Bertha and Hugh Gordon purchased this lot in September of 1915 and had their home built. The first record of the family living here was in the New Albany City Directory of 1917-18. Hugh, or “Cut” as he was referred to, was a cigar manufacturer and worked at Alphonse (Fuss) Fenger’s Tobacco Store at the corner of East 7th and Spring streets in downtown New Albany. Mr. Gordon died in November of 1944 and his wife, Bertha, remained in the house until her death in December 1956. By this time, their daughter Mary, who worked for the Louisville Paint Company, was living here. She remained in the home until her death in December of 1975, making sixty years of ownership for the Gordon family. By 1977, the Thomas Sauer family was occupying the house and remained here several years. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 5 July 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number 22CO1-0702-MF-113 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Elkins-Ashton House 2323 McLean Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1927. California Bungalow. The Elkins-Ashton House. Walts and Addie Elkins purchased these two lots in early 1919 but did not have the house constructed until 1927. The Elkins had previously lived on the south side of McLean Avenue in the middle of the 2300 block. Walts was employed as a guard at the Quartermaster Depot in Jeffersonville. Mr. Elkins died about 1950 and his widow remained in the house until 1951.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 12 June 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0701-MF-00028 |
Oscar O. Bader House 316 East Tenth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built ca 1920. Bungalow. The Oscar O. Bader House. As early as 1886, there was a one-story duplex on this site. Around 1920 the house took on the Bungalow style that we see today, either by the remodeling of the late 1800s structure or the construction of a completely new house. By the time the 1921 New Albany City Directory was published, Oscar O. Bader was residing here along with tenant W. H. Roberts. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 4 March 2014 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22CO1-1310-MF-001520. |
Marion Lyvers House 508 East Oak Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1913. Cross-plan. The Marion Lyvers House. The construction of this house had been completed in 1913 and it was listed as vacant that year in the New Albany City Directory. By the time the 1915 New Albany City Directory was published, Marion and Bessie Lyvers were residing here, although they did not purchase the home until February 1918 - for $2,700.00. Mr. Lyvers’ occupation was listed as a clerk for the Railway Mail Service. The Lyvers remained in the home until the mid 1930s.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 10 May 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22D01-0610-MF-418 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Jasper & Roxa Yost House 323 Woodrow Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1926. Dormer-front bungalow. The Jasper & Roxa Yost House. This new house was purchased by Jasper and Roxa Yost about 1927 in an area that was platted in 1908 and developed by The McCulloch Land and Improvement Co. Mr. Yost was a buyer for the Wood Mosaic Co., located at East 18th and Main Streets in New Albany. This company supplied decorative wood flooring all over the county, including the White House in Washington, DC. Jasper died in the mid-1930s and Mrs. Yost, a native of Pennsylvania, remained in the house and died there in July of 1954.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 10 May 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0512-MF-801 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Herbert C. Creek House 2212 Ekin Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built ca.1900. Shotgun. Herbert C. Creek House. This house was constructed around 1900 in area of New Albany that was once a separate town, incorporated in 1886 and known as Silver Grove. The boundaries were roughly Silver Street to the west, Charlestown Road to the north, Beharrell Avenue to the east and Spring Street to the south. The town had its own town hall with town council along with is own police and fire departments. Silver Grove became part of New Albany in 1915.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 10 May 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22D014-0612-MF-482 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Mary F. Black House 1909 Culbertson Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1920. Gable-front/Craftsman. The Mary F. Black House. This new house was purchased by Mary F. Black, widow of Wm. T., in February of 1920. The house was built by noted contractor Thomas M. McCulloch.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 10 May 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0608-MF-531 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
The Russell 1906 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
This house was built in 1889 a few blocks to the west and moved to the present location in 1902. The first residents of the home were Thomas and Sarah Jane Barnett. They initially rented the house before purchasing it a few years later. Thomas was a native of England and came to New Albany in 1880. He was an employee of Washington C. DePauw’s American Plate Glass Works, located in New Albany, the largest plate glass manufacturing company in the country. Mr. Barnett died in the house in June of 1930 at the age of 81 years. Sarah moved to Clarksburg, West Virginia to live with her daughter Mrs. John Britton. She died there in April of 1942 and was brought back to New Albany, where her funeral service was held in the home of her son Henry at 1843 East Market Street. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 10 May 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0609-MF-601 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Albert and Mary Duitz House 1214 Vance Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1948. Gunnison Home. The Albert and Mary Duitz House. This prefabricated house was constructed in New Albany at the U.S. Steel Company facility on Charlestown Road and trucked to the site and assembled. Mr. Foster Gunnison, a pioneer in prefabricated housing, sold his New Albany company to U.S. Steel in 1947.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 28 March 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0403-MF-000178 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Rose Patrick House 2305 East Market Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built circa 1928. Bungalow. The Rose Patrick House. The first listing of this home was in the New Albany City Directory of 1929 and lists Orvill Condra as residing here. Mr. Condra was a concrete contractor.
By the early 1930s, Herbert and Mildred Pate were making their home here. During the next decade there were numerous occupants living in the home.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 14 June 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22C01-0608-MF-519 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Bliss-Knobloch House 507 East Elm Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1868. Shotgun. The Bliss-Knobloch House. Michael Sohn purchased this lot from William Munster and his wife in August 1868 for $800.00 and had this house built immediately. He sold the new house to C. H. and Mary Bliss in April of 1869 for $1060.00. Mr. Bliss’s occupation was listed in the 1871 New Albany City Directory as a merchant.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 22 February 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). Judgment number: 22D01-0608-MF-289 NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Sanders-Leist-Black House 1720 Florence Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1922. Gable-front/Craftsman. The Sanders-Leist-Black House. Florence Place, as it was originally known, was named for Florence Jolissaint-Bizzell, niece of Mayme and Harry Thevenot who lived at 1726 DePauw Place. The developer of this area, Mrs. Charles DePauw, told the Thevenots that if they would buy an additional lot, which they did, she would name a street in this section for their little niece, Florence. This house was built around 1922 and the first listing for this address was in the 1923 New Albany City Directory.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 16 November 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Charles E. Richards House 844 Cedar Bough Place New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1906. Queen Anne. The Charles E. Richards House. This National Register-eligible street is one of the few private streets within the City of New Albany. At the time of its development by the Huncilman family in the 1890’s and early 1900s, “living on the bough” was considered to be a very prestigious address, as it still is today. Today, Cedar Bough Place is a locally designated historic district; therefore, any exterior alterations to the houses on this street must be reviewed and approved by the City's Historic Preservation Commission.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 11 January 2007 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS.
S. Otto Rady House 1825 East Oak Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1909. American Four-square. The S. Otto Rady House. Otto had this home built in 1909 and was first listed in the New Albany City Directory of 1910-11. Mr. Rady was an assistant cashier at the Second National Bank in New Albany. He died in 1914 and his widow, Pearl, continued to live in the home through 1958. The house saw several owners during the 1960s and by 1970, the house had been divided into three to four apartments. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 14 November 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Johantgen-Lynch House 1948 East Oak Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1905. Queen Anne. The Johantgen-Lynch House. Mancel W.Mitchell and his wife purchased this lot in October of 1904 for $700.00. It is very probable that Mr. Mitchell built the house since he was a contractor by trade. The home was finished by 1905, the same year as the first listing in the New Albany City Directory for the Mitchell family.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 31 October 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
Samuel & Genevieve Tillman House 514 East Fourth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1890. Shotgun. The Samuel & Genevieve Tillman House. Records are very limited as to when this house was built and for whom. The Sanborn Maps of 1886 does not show this structure yet built, but the 1891 Sanborn Maps do. The early residents of this home are as follows: Rev. Frank T. Porter, pastor of Park Christian Church; Wm. H. Potts, a clerk; and C. Oscar Lohmeyer, a laborer for E. V. Knight’s New Albany Veneering Co.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 19 September 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS.
Murray-Gohmann House 1106 East Elm Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1890. Shotgun. The Murray-Gohmann House. George Helfrich, Jr. purchased this lot in November of 1885 from Dr. Augustus Hauss and his wife. In November of 1889, George signed the property over to Martha Helfrich, who was probably his wife. The exact date of construction is unclear but it occurred sometime between 1885 and 1890. The Helfriches used the property for an investment, and rented it out for at least 20 years.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 30 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
Tully-Preis House 1408 Ekin Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1888. Shotgun. The Tully-Preis House. Thomas T. Tully, Jr. purchased this lot in August of 1887 for $500.00 from Wm. Tighe, Jr. and had this house built. The Tully family was first listed at this address in the 1890 New Albany City Directory. Mr. Tully was on the police force and in later years his occupation was listed as a watchman. Thomas died in April of 1914 and his widow, Kathern remained in the house for several years until she sold the property in February of 1920 to Gustave H. Pleis and his wife Anna. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 30 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
Brock-Wolf-Froman House 2104 Shelby Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1915. Bungalow. The Brock-Wolf-Froman House. This area of New Albany was once a separate town, which was incorporated in 1886 and was known as Silver Grove. The boundaries were roughly Silver Street to the west, Charlestown Road to the north, Beharrell Avenue to the east and Spring Street to the south. The town had its own town hall with town council along with is own police and fire departments. Silver Grove became part of New Albany in 1915.
James W. Brock purchased this lot in March of 1906 from James H. Brock. The house was built around 1915 and the first entry for the address was in the 1917 New Albany City Directory listing James W. as residing here. Previously, the family resided at 2108 Shelby Street. James died in March 1918 and the house was sold in March of 1920. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 30 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
Umbreit-Frakes House 317 East Tenth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1895. Cross-plan, Queen Anne-detailed cottage. The Umbreit-Frakes House. This house was built sometime between 1892 and 1897 on part of the site of the former J. Gebhard & Company Brewery. The structure was used as rental property the first 50 years and saw numerous occupants.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 30 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
Bofis-Capper-Fristoe House 418 East Tenth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1900. One-third double-pile. The Bofis-Capper-Fristoe House. This house was built about 1900 on the south end of the Hegewald property at the corner of East 10th and Elm Streets. The Hegewald family could have built this single-family structure for investment purposes because the New Albany City Directories show that the house saw numerous occupants over a lengthy period of time.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Wednesday, 30 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS.
McFall-Rouff House 1911 East Elm Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1888. Queen Anne. The McFall-Rouff House. This beautiful brick, Queen Anne house - likely eligible for individual listing in the National Register of Historic Places - was built between 1888 and 1889 for Charles W. McFall, a carrier for the U.S. Post Office. In his later years, Mr. McFall had a grocery at 1422 East Elm Street.
In November of 1904, Dr. Hettie McFall sold the home. There were several owners before William F. Ruoff, a lawyer, purchased the house in August of 1913 and lived here for over 30 years. Mr. Ruoff died in December of 1944 and his widow, Lee, remained in the home until May of 1965.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 22 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Endris-Knable House 615 East Elm Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1890. Vernacular. The Endris-Knable House. This two-story brick house was built on the site of the former Peter Fetter Chair factory. The early history of this property is very limited and by the turn of the century it had become rental property with many different tenants. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 1 August 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
The Thompson-Zoeller House 2008 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1906. Queen Anne. The Thompson-Zoeller House. John Thompson was a carrier for the U.S. Post Office and he purchased this lot in May of 1906 for $490.00. He immediately had this house built for he was listed in the New Albany City Directory of 1907-08.
In May of 1921, the Anthony C. Zoeller family purchased the home and resided here through October of 1951. Mr. Zoeller eventually became the proprietor of the Zoeller Service Station located on the northeast corner of Ekin Avenue and 15th Street in New Albany.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 29 June 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
Charles L. Vernia House 1942 Culbertson Avenue New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1920. Gabled-front/Craftsman. The Charles L. Vernia House. Charles L. Vernia purchased this lot from the estate of Kate Vernia in November of 1918 and had this house built. Mr. Vernia was secretary of the John Vernia & Son Marble Co.
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Thursday, 8 June 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
Rockafellow-Gohmannn House 920 Pearl Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1887. Gabled-ell. Rockafellow-Gohmannn House. James H. Rockafellow purchased this lot on Upper 1st Street, as it was originally known, in July of 1886 from the Board of Foreign Missions for $230 and had this house built. Mr. Rockafellow was a dealer in furniture on Main Street in downtown New Albany. The property changed hands in 1892 before being sold to Edmund G. Gohmann in September of 1894. Mr. Gohmann was secretary of the manufacturing company, Gohmann Bros. & Kahler. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 16 May 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). |
The Mann-Hahn-Heiter House 517 East Fourth Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1865. Shotgun. The Mann-Hahn-Heiter House. Elizabeth Mann purchased this lot in January of 1864 for $400.00 and the house was built a short time later. Elizabeth and her husband, Levi, lived her through 1870, at which time the home at 521 East 4th Street was constructed and the family moved up the street. The Manns continued to own the property until July of 1886. After Levi’s death in the early 1880s, Elizabeth ran a notions shop out of the house until selling it to George Feibach. |
To be sold at Sheriff’s Sale Tuesday, 25 April 2006 at 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County (first floor of the City-County Building, 311 Hauss Square, New Albany). NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS.
Carpenter-Larkins-Dean House 519 West Market Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built c.1870. Shotgun. The Carpenter-Larkins-Dean House. This home has seen numerous occupants over the past 100 years and is very probable that it was used as rental property as early as 1905. Charles C. Carpenter, a freight handler, was listed in the New Albany City Directories as residing here from 1905 through 1910. Edward J. Larkins, a bookkeeper for the United Gas & Electric Co., occupied the house for the next 5 years. Emmett C. Dean, a clerk, lived here from 1921 through 1932.
To be sold at sheriff's sale Thursday 6 April 2006 at 10:00 AM at the Office of the Floyd County Sheriff. NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |
The Fred J. Williams House 1931 East Spring Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built in Queen Anne style in 1906 for Andreas Kopp, a sales agent dealing in flour, etc. This house became home to the Fred J. Williams family in August 1919. Mr. Williams was the associate general agent for the Pacific Mutual Life Insurance Co. He also had his insurance office at the house.
By the mid 1940s, Elizabeth Williams was listed as living here. The house remained in the Williams family through the early 1970s.
To be sold at sheriff’s sale February 28, 2006, 10:00 AM in the Office of the Sheriff of Floyd County. NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. For information, please contact the owner, 812-945-2935. |
Rahner-Pfeifer House 343 East 15th Street New Albany, IN 47150
Sheriff Sale
Built 1885. Queen Anne. The Rahner-Pfeifer House. Henry W. Rahner, an engineer, had purchased this property by 1884 and had his house built shortly thereafter. The first listing at this address in the New Albany City Directory for Henry Rahner was in 1886. In 1915, the house was sold to the Henry Pfeifer family. Mr. Pfeifer was a fireman for the New Albany Fire Department. After the death of Henry in the late 1950s, his widow Cora remained in the home until her death in the early 1960s. The house was sold in 1964 the Thomas Koerner family. The house is located in the locally designated East Spring Street Historic District. Any exterior alterations must be reviewed and approved the New Albany Historic Preservation Commission. |
To be sold at sheriff's sale on Tuesday, 28 February 2006, at 10:00 AM at the office of the Floyd County Sheriff. NO THIRD PARTY BUYER AT SHERIFF'S SALE - MAY BE MARKETED BY A REAL ESTATE COMPANY IN UPCOMING WEEKS. |